How many RUSSIAN soldiers have died in Ukraine?

How many RUSSIAN soldiers have died in Ukraine?

How many RUSSIAN soldiers have died in Ukraine?

More than 70,000 Russian soldiers have died in Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion began in 2022, according to data analyzed by the BBC. Specifically, they have identified 70,112 names of Russian soldiers who have been killed, though the real number is likely much higher. This figure only includes those whose deaths have been publicly confirmed by authorities or relatives, meaning many more may be unreported. Additionally, deaths of militia fighters from Russian-occupied Donetsk and Luhansk are not included.

One significant finding is that volunteers—civilians who joined the army after the start of the war—now make up the largest proportion of those killed. Among the confirmed deaths, 13,781 were volunteers, accounting for about 20%. This group now surpasses former prisoners, who were initially recruited with promises of pardons and once made up the highest number of casualties. Former prisoners now represent 19% of the total confirmed deaths, while mobilized soldiers, those called up to fight, make up 13%.

The high death toll among volunteers is particularly notable. Since October 2023, the weekly fatalities of volunteers have not dropped below 100, and in some weeks, more than 300 have been killed. Many of these volunteers come from small towns and poorer regions of Russia, where decent-paying jobs are hard to come by. Military salaries are five to seven times higher than the average wage in these areas, which is often a key reason why people sign up, despite the risks.

Volunteers are frequently sent to the most dangerous parts of the front line, especially in eastern Ukraine, where Russian forces are struggling to hold ground. Soldiers have described the Russian military’s “meat grinder” strategy, in which waves of soldiers, often poorly equipped, are sent into battle with little support. This tactic has led to heavy losses in places like Donetsk, where hundreds of soldiers have been killed in a single day.

Most of the volunteers who have died were between 42 and 50 years old, but some were much older. Around 250 volunteers over the age of 60 have been killed, including some in their seventies. These men often joined up for financial reasons, but many found themselves unprepared for the brutal realities of war, lacking both proper training and equipment.

Why is Russia at war with Ukraine?

Russia’s war with Ukraine began in February 2022, but the tensions go back much further. The conflict has roots in Ukraine’s close ties with Western countries, especially NATO, which Russia sees as a threat to its own security. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became an independent country, and over time, it developed stronger connections with Europe and the West. This worried Russian President Vladimir Putin, who wanted to keep Ukraine within Russia’s sphere of influence.

In 2014, Russia had already taken over Crimea, a part of Ukraine, and backed separatist movements in Ukraine’s eastern regions, Donetsk and Luhansk. These areas were claimed by pro-Russian rebels, leading to a long, simmering conflict in the Donbas region. Despite the fighting, Russia never openly admitted its involvement in this war until much later.

In late 2021, tensions escalated when Russia began massing troops along Ukraine’s borders. By February 2022, around 190,000 Russian soldiers were stationed around Ukraine. Western leaders warned that an invasion seemed likely, but Putin dismissed these concerns, claiming it was just military exercises.

Putin also issued demands to NATO, asking them to stop expanding and to limit their presence in eastern Europe, but these demands were rejected. On February 21, 2022, Putin recognized the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk, and a few days later, on February 24, he launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Putin claimed this was a “special military operation” to protect Russians in Ukraine, but many believe his real goal is to bring Ukraine back under Russian control and prevent it from aligning further with the West. The war has caused widespread devastation, and both sides have suffered heavy losses.

Who is winning the war in Ukraine?

The war in Ukraine, which began in February 2022, is a complex and evolving conflict, making it hard to declare a clear winner. Both Russia and Ukraine have faced victories and losses on the battlefield, but neither side has achieved a decisive victory.

Russia has captured several regions in eastern Ukraine, like parts of Donetsk and Luhansk, and its military presence remains strong. However, this success has come at a high cost. Russia has suffered heavy losses of troops and equipment. Reports suggest that thousands of Russian soldiers have died, and Russia has lost a significant number of tanks and armored vehicles. Despite these losses, Russia continues its offensive in different parts of Ukraine, trying to make further gains.

Ukraine, on the other hand, has shown strong resistance. Ukrainian forces have successfully defended key cities and launched counter-attacks to reclaim lost territory. They’ve also been able to target Russian military and supply infrastructure using drones and long-range weapons provided by Western allies. Ukraine’s use of technology like drones has helped them destroy Russian military equipment and weaken Russia’s advances.

While Ukraine continues to receive support in the form of weapons and funds from Western countries, Russia remains determined to push forward, using its larger military resources. The war has dragged on for over two years, and although Russia has made some territorial gains, it has not managed to completely overpower Ukraine.

Neither Russia nor Ukraine can be declared the winner at this point. The conflict remains ongoing, with both sides experiencing successes and setbacks. The situation is still fluid, and the outcome remains uncertain.

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